Readers Theatre: Not Just Any Statue in the Park

Join us for a reading of Dave Geible’s new play Not Just Any Statue in the Park!
Tickets for any budget: $0, $5, $12
A Brief History of a Short Comedy by Dave Geible
Athens, February , 399 BCE: Socrates awaits his judicial suicide in a dark warehouse building. He is ready for death to come, but his inner spirit (Damon) and his wife (Xantippe) have other ideas. Damon wants him to face it with grand style and pride. Xantippe would prefer that he just go home and help raise their kids. If not that, then be someone in whom she can claim some pride for their sake. But Socrates is determined not to be “just any statue in the Park”. Discussion follows, along with some bickering. In Act III Socrates has passed into the underworld but has some problems getting over the Styx into Hades. He meets old friends, including a former teacher and her husband. Discussion follows.